Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Q, What is responsive web design?
-Responsive web design is a method of web design that allows any devices and computers to change the scale of web contents by changing the browser's size, and it also supports to see a website from any devices and computers with resizing the scale of web contents that fits their respective screens and makes easy to see the contents.

Q, Why do we need it?
-Responsive web design isn't always a necessary thing for the screens. However, sometimes web contents that scaled for computer screen are too tiny to see from mobile, so we need to break down the scale for responsive screens to see the web contents comfortably and easily.

Q, What is the benefit to use responsive web design?
-As I said above, responsive web design allows viewers to see the web contents comfortably from each type of screens. Furthermore, web contents fitting individual screen that means they can see the contents wider so if you want them to click a link in your page, responsive web deisgn perfectly works to emphasize the link to them and they can click it easily since the link appears wider.
