Kazuya's Blog Contents

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New Blog!!

November 5th, 2017

Hello, this is Kazuya!! I just created this page and I am going to write my events and thoughts here. Today I see snow in the outside which beautifully covers the ground and makes "White Field!!" Some people say they don't want cold weather and hate snow but I am really strong at cold temperature and happy to see the white grounds!! Winter is here!!

Pool Tournament!

November 13th, 2017

Good sunshine day!! I went to out of town and played pool tournament yesterday! There are 4 tables with bar-table scaled, and 17 people joined the 9-ball rece-to-7 tournament. I lost the first match but it is double elimination, so I still had one more chance. My friend Brad lost both the first and second match so he finished his game in the first one hour. I suddenly understood how the balls move on the very first table and won 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds with almost run-out. However, I lost the quater final so I placed 6th. If I won the match, got some prizes!!(Prizes are given for top 4 players) Anyway, I'll come back someday and have rematch with them!!